What is an Occupational Therapist?

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The New Brunswick Association of Occupational Therapists is a professional and regulatory organization representing occupational therapists province-wide and advancing quality occupational therapy through effective regulation, governance, education and advocacy.
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Here are the NBAOT Awards Recipients for 2024
Congratulations to Jennifer Bachynsky, OTReg(NB) and Wendy Hill, OTReg(NB) who were presented with awards during the NBAOT Annual General Meeting!
Jennifer Bachynsky, OTReg(NB) was presented with the 2024 NBAOT Award of Merit which recognizes an OT who has made an outstanding contribution to the profession as a professional, a practice manager, change agent, collaborator, scholar practitioner or communicator. Jen is an occupational therapist at the Saint John Unit of the Extra-Mural Program (EMP). No matter what project or new roles she takes on at EMP, Jen always keeps the OT vision present. Not only does she promote and advocate for the role of OT, but her leadership is also helping to improve healthcare for ALL New Brunswickers!
Wendy Hill, OTReg(NB) was presented with the 2024 Evalyn Fleiger Award which honours a fellow OT who has made a significant contribution to the profession and who has demonstrated their commitment through volunteering with NBAOT, CAOT, or COTF, and exemplifies the characteristics of Evalyn Fleiger. Wendy is a dedicated and accomplished occupational therapist who remains true to the profession; no matter what the challenge. Since 2002, she has worked with clients with upper extremity limb loss or complex upper limb pathologies at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at UNB Fredericton. Like Evalyn, Wendy exemplifies professionalism and uses her gifts and talents to the benefit of others. She promotes the value of OT among a diverse, interdisciplinary audience; both nationally and internationally!
Congratulations Jennifer and Wendy!

Wendy Hill with Evalyn Fleiger’s family members
Exceptional Preceptor Award Recipients
No recipient for the year 2024
2023 Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT) Citation Award Recipients for New-Brunswick
Carol Henry and Charles Levasseur

Debbie LeBreton, OT Reg. NB and Carol Henry
Carol Henry has made significant contributions to the health and wellness of numerous clients over her 51 years in sales with equipment suppliers. Carol was amazing at taking the information from the occupational therapist about a client to search all possible avenues to find equipment to meet the client’s needs. She found viable options while being mindful of the client situation, whether it be limited funds or helping get the right equipment in a home in a timely way to support a palliative client’s goal of returning home. Carol led with her heart, always showing compassion for clients. Carol’s actions always supported the occupational therapy philosophy of client centeredness, enabling valued occupations and promoting accessibility!

Charles Levasseur and colleagues
Charles Levasseur has been a champion for persons with disabilities through his career and volunteer work. He is presently the Assistive Technology and Learning Disability Specialist and Atlantic Regional Manager with the Neil Squires Society. For over 20 years, he has taken a hands-on approach to assisting persons with disabilities, providing training using complex assistive technologies. Charles is a great supporter of occupational therapy and occupational therapists in New Brunswick. He served as the Public Representative on NBAOT Council and some of its committees from 2014 to 2022. During his time, he was always a very active member, bringing much wisdom and always raising thoughtful points from the perspective of the public and its protection. Charles shares a passion with OTs for working with clients to help improve their health and well-being through meaningful participation in activities!
2023 Inaugural NBAOT Scholarship Winner
Cheque for $1,500 presented to Katie Kierstead, Dalhousie University by NBAOT President Pam McCaskill, OTReg(NB)